Gucci Camera Bag
Gucci Camera Bag
Condition: New
Size: Small
Legacy Jewelers is not affiliated with the brand of the item shown in this online listing. We guarantee this is an authentic item and the brand shown on this listing is a registered trademark of that specific brand.
S – Unused (9.9/10) Completely unused and should be distinguished from items ranked N. This may mean that it was bought by the owner; but have been kept unused for a certain period of time.
SA – Very Good Condition (9.8/10) Almost new. This refers to items that are good as new. They may have been used a few times and may have very minor surface scratches.
A – Good Condition (9.5/10) These are slightly used items with few scratches and marks.
AB – Good Condition (9/10) These are slightly used items with few scratches and marks but in less better condition compared to A.